We at ETE Electrical are dedicated in helping you ensure your electrical installation is maintained in a safe condition and by having one of our qualified electricians carry out a test and inspection report is one of the best ways to ensure the electrical installation is safe.
For Domestic properties it is recommended an electrical inspection is carried out every 10 years and if rented every 5 years or change of occupancy. Depending on the type of commercial property the inspection period can be a maximum of 1 - 3 or 5 years.
There are several factors including damage, wear and tear, excessive overloading and ageing which all help an electrical installation to deteriorate.
What is involved in a EICR
The electrician will carry out both visual checks and electrical tests as recommended in BS7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations IET Wiring Regulations
The visual checks includes checking sockets and lights for damage, checking the consumer unit, wiring, and earthing is in good condition.
The electrical tests involve using a test instrument like the AVO Megger to determine the condition of the wiring and earthing.
Not all EICR are the same
What to consider when choosing a contractor
- Some contractors price only includes testing a sample of circuits, this can lead to dangerous faults not being reported
- Some contractors price their EIRC at a loss hoping to make it up on charging more for any remedial repairs.
- We provide a full written report detailing any faults and defaults
Domestic EICR, including rented properties and HMO's
- Prices start at £162.00 including VAT for up to 7 circuits
- Additional circuits from £15.60 including VAT
Domestic EICR prices are based on properties within a 30-mile radius of Maidstone
Commercial Periodic Inspection and Testing
- Charges are on a per circuit base and start from £13.50 + VAT
- Minimum Charge £320.00 + VAT
- Fire alarm & smoke alarm systems
- Fuse board and consumer unit upgrades
- Electric vehicle charging points
- Fault finding
- Electrical Installation Condition Reports
- Landlord safety certificates and repairs
- New sockets and switches
- Exterior and internal lighting
- Emergency lighting
If you don’t see the service you require please call or message , we are here to give advice.